Restoring the Kingship of Christ in Great Britain

Author: admin

  • A message of Hope for the New year

    Let me send you a message of hope for the coming year, because however long and dark the night, there always comes an hour when the day finally dawns. This new year will be partly what you make of it. Since this is the time for resolutions, let’s choose the ones within our reach, and…

  • Alain Escada wishes you a Merry Christmas!

    Original video in French Alain Escada wishes you a Merry Christmas! in MPI-TV / Politics – by MPI-TV – 24 December 2023 Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me send you a message as Christmas approaches. I do mean Christmas, a word that is becoming taboo in these increasingly anti-Christian times. Thus, the management of Air France…

  • Démantèlement de l’Église

    Nous déplorons et nous condamnons l’erreur funeste de ceux qui rêvent d’une prétendue Église, sorte de société formée et entretenue par la charité, à laquelle – non sans mépris – ils en opposent une autre qu’ils appellent juridique.   Pape Pie XII, MYSTICI CORPORIS CHRISTI, 1943 Une place Saint-Pierre bondée dans les années 1950 La…

  • Desmantelamiento de la Iglesia

        Reprobamos el funesto error de los que sueñan una Iglesia ideal, una cierta sociedad alimentada y formada de caridad, a la cual (no sin desprecio) oponen la otra que llaman jurídica.     Papa Pío XII, MYSTICI CORPORIS CHRISTI, 1943 La plaza de San Pedro repleta en los años 50 La última Carta…

  • Dismantling the Church

        We deplore and condemn the pernicious error of those who dream of an imaginary Church, a kind of society that finds its origin and growth in charity, to which, somewhat contemptuously, they oppose another, which they call juridical. Pope Pius XII, MYSTICI CORPORIS CHRISTI, 1943 A packed St Peter’s Square in the 1950s…

  • Civitas International takes shape

    While Civitas was founded in France in 1999, recent years have seen the emergence of Civitas associations or groups in countries such as Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Italy, the UK, Poland and even Mexico and Lebanon. Meanwhile, others are currently in the process of being set up, such as in Slovenia, the United States…

  • Alain Escada, President of Civitas International, on the situation in Gaza

    I think that there is an element which is very important to raise in relation to the official truth which is unequivocal in the system’s media; I’d like to suggest that your viewers look at an article from the Israeli press that appeared on 19 May 2023 in the Israeli newspaper Maariv. So, this is…

  • Interview with Alain Escada (president of Civitas International and Civitas France) by the Polish news agency

    – Could you briefly describe the situation of the Civitas party in France? Civitas – the only Catholic party in France – has been dissolved by a decree signed on 4 October on the initiative of the interior Minister and after calls made by the leader of La France Insoumise, a neo-Communist party. In a…




    5 Oct 2023 “Liberties are not granted, they are to be taken.”Charles Maurras To celebrate the 65th anniversary of the French Fifth Republic or Marianne V, the French Interior Minister Darmanin announced the dissolution of CIVITAS for incitement to hatred, anti-semitism and homophobia, stressing the fact that the movement’s values have no place in the…
